St. Xavier's University, Kolkata
Fr. Arrupe Central Library
Online Public Access Catalogue

Statistical inference

Casella, George

Statistical inference George Casella, Roger L. Berger - 2nd ed. - New Delhi Cengage c2002 - 660p. P.B.

'1. Probability Theory. 2. Transformations and Expectations 3. Common Families of Distributions 4. Multiple Random Variables 5. Properties of a Random Sample 6. Principles of Data Reduction 7. Point Estimation 8. Hypothesis Testing 9. Interval Estimation 10. Asymptotic Evaluations 11. Analysis of Variance and Regression 12. Regression Models

9788131503942 950.00

Statistical inference

R 519.5 CAS(STA)Ed2
St. Xaviers University, Kolkata
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