English grammar & composition
Rao, N.D.V. Prasada
English grammar & composition Revised by N.D.V. Prasada Rao - New Delhi Blackie elt books 2009 - 384 p.
Table of contents:
1. The sentence
2. Subject and predicate
3. The phrase and the clause
4. Parts of speech
5. The noun: kinds of noun
6. The noun:gender
7. the noun: number
8. The noun : case
9. the adjective
10. Comparison of adjectives
11. Adjectives used as nouns
12. Position of adjectives
13. The correct use of some adjectives
14. Articles
15. personal Pronouns
16. Reflexive and emphatic pronouns
17. Demonstrative, indefinite and distributive pronouns
18. Relative pronouns
9789352530144 420
421 / RAO(ENG)
English grammar & composition Revised by N.D.V. Prasada Rao - New Delhi Blackie elt books 2009 - 384 p.
Table of contents:
1. The sentence
2. Subject and predicate
3. The phrase and the clause
4. Parts of speech
5. The noun: kinds of noun
6. The noun:gender
7. the noun: number
8. The noun : case
9. the adjective
10. Comparison of adjectives
11. Adjectives used as nouns
12. Position of adjectives
13. The correct use of some adjectives
14. Articles
15. personal Pronouns
16. Reflexive and emphatic pronouns
17. Demonstrative, indefinite and distributive pronouns
18. Relative pronouns
9789352530144 420
421 / RAO(ENG)