Consecration and service. :the global mystery of religious life
Gambari, Elio.
Consecration and service. :the global mystery of religious life Translated and abridged by Mary Magdalen Bellasis. - [Boston] St. Paul Editions [1973- - 302p. P.B. 22 cm.
Translation of Manuale della vita religiosa alla luce del Vaticano II.
Monastic and religious life.
R 255 GAM(CON)V.1
Consecration and service. :the global mystery of religious life Translated and abridged by Mary Magdalen Bellasis. - [Boston] St. Paul Editions [1973- - 302p. P.B. 22 cm.
Translation of Manuale della vita religiosa alla luce del Vaticano II.
Monastic and religious life.
R 255 GAM(CON)V.1