Managing employee performance and reward (Record no. 6306)
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000 -LEADER | |
fixed length control field | 09252nam a22001937a 4500 |
005 - DATE & TIME | |
control field | 20220225095602.0 |
fixed length control field | 220225b |||||||| |||| 00| 0 eng d |
020 ## - ISBN | |
International Standard Book Number | 9781108701044 |
Price | 7694 |
Original cataloging agency | S.X.U.K |
041 ## - Language | |
Language | English |
082 ## - DDC NUMBER | |
Classification number | R 658.314 MAN.Ed3 |
245 ## - TITLE STATEMENT | |
Title | Managing employee performance and reward |
Sub Title | : systems, practices and prospects |
Statement of responsibility | John Shields; Jim Rooney; Michelle Brown & Sarah Kaine |
Edition statement | 3rd ed. |
Place of publication, distribution, etc | New Delhi |
Name of publisher, distributor, etc | Cambridge university press |
Date of publication, distribution, etc | c2020 |
Pages | xx, 535 |
Other Details | P.B |
500 ## - GENERAL NOTE | |
General note | Chapter 1 Performance and reward basics<br/>Preview<br/>Performance and reward management: promise and peril<br/>Performance management basics<br/>What is ‘performance’?<br/>Aims of performance management<br/>Basic requirements for effective performance management<br/>Reward management basics<br/>‘Reward’ and ‘total reward’<br/>Remuneration<br/>Aims of reward management<br/>‘Reality check’ themes<br/>Summary<br/>Discussion questions<br/>Case study: ‘Companies that got rid of performance ratings aren’t doing so well, sadly’<br/>Chapter 2 Strategic alignment and psychological engagement: A systems thinking framework for effecti<br/>Preview<br/>Strategic considerations: dimensions and alignment<br/>Dimensions of strategic alignment: external/vertical and internal/horizontal<br/>Achieving and maintaining external and internal strategic alignment<br/>Business strategy<br/>The employee value proposition<br/>Work design<br/>Managing strategic alignment and misalignment<br/>Psychological engagement: dimensions and determinants<br/>Work behaviour<br/>Intra-personal influences on behaviour<br/>Personality<br/>Motivation<br/>Organisational justice<br/>Organisational trust<br/>An integrated model of psychological engagement<br/>Summary<br/>Discussion questions<br/>Case study: Deloitte Insights, 2018 Global Human Capital Trends Report<br/>Chapter 3 Managing for results<br/>Preview<br/>What are ‘results’?<br/>Measuring results: KRAs, KPIs and goals<br/>Promise and perils of measuring results<br/>Using results-based techniques: goal-setting<br/>Promise and perils of goal-setting<br/>Using results-based techniques: the balanced scorecard<br/>The balanced scorecard ideal<br/>Promise and perils of balanced scorecards<br/>Summary<br/>Discussion questions<br/>Case study: Employee self-regulation of performance I – the influence of evolving technology on th<br/>Chapter 4 Performance appraisal and management<br/>Preview<br/>An overview of work performance assessment<br/>Behavioural assessment<br/>Competency assessment<br/>Sources of assessment information<br/>Behavioural information<br/>Competency information<br/>Common assessment methods in action<br/>Behavioural assessment methods<br/>Competency assessment methods<br/>Common flaws in performance assessment and the shaping of employee performance<br/>Behavioural assessment<br/>Competency assessment<br/>Assessing performance assessment<br/>Behavioural assessment and performance management<br/>Competence assessment and performance management<br/>Performance appraisal: strategic considerations<br/>Summary<br/>Discussion questions<br/>Case study: Employee self-regulation of performance II – the influence of evolving technology on t<br/>Chapter 5 Reviewing, discussing and developing employee performance<br/>Preview<br/>Managing underperformance<br/>Causes of underperformance<br/>From measurement to conversation<br/>Performance review meetings<br/>Review meeting preparation<br/>The reviewer<br/>The assessee<br/>The review meeting<br/>Timing<br/>Content of the meeting<br/>Review meeting styles<br/>‘Tell and sell’<br/>‘Tell and listen’<br/>‘Problem-solving’<br/>Negative feedback<br/>Managers and negative feedback<br/>Employees and negative feedback<br/>Managing underperformance<br/>Developing employees: employee coaching<br/>What is coaching?<br/>GROW model of coaching<br/>Outcomes of coaching<br/>Developing employees: mentoring<br/>What is mentoring?<br/>What is a mentor?<br/>Phases in mentoring<br/>Evaluating mentoring<br/>Performance review and development: strategic alignment considerations<br/>Summary<br/>Discussion questions<br/>Case study: Managing underperformance<br/>Chapter 6 Base pay<br/>Preview<br/>What is ‘base pay’?<br/>Pay for the position versus pay for personal capabilities<br/>Position-based structures<br/>Pay scales<br/>Pay grades<br/>Pricing positions<br/>Market survey methods<br/>Job evaluation methods<br/>Developing a graded base pay structure<br/>Pros and cons of position-based base pay<br/>Person-based base pay structures<br/>Pay bands<br/>Valuing personal capabilities<br/>Pricing skills<br/>Pricing competencies<br/>Developing a banded base pay system<br/>Skill blocks and bands<br/>Competency zones and bands<br/>Pros and cons of person-based pay<br/>Strategic alignment with base pay<br/>Summary<br/>Discussion questions<br/>Case study: Rethinking base pay at Commercial Law Partners<br/>Chapter 7 Employee benefits<br/>Preview<br/>Benefit plans: general contours<br/>Definition and types<br/>Purpose<br/>Drivers<br/>Challenges<br/>Superannuation plans and severance pay<br/>Defined benefit plans<br/>Defined contribution plans<br/>Hybrid plans<br/>Severance pay<br/>Health care and other forms of personal insurance<br/>Health care insurance<br/>Workers compensation, disability and life insurance<br/>Leave and carer benefits<br/>Payment for time not worked<br/>Paid parental leave<br/>Childcare and elder care<br/>Other voluntary benefits<br/>Voluntary financial benefits<br/>Voluntary non-financial benefits<br/>Flexible work-time and work–life balance programs<br/>Wellness and well-being programs<br/>Employee assistance programs<br/>Fixed plans versus flexible plans<br/>Fixed benefits<br/>Flexible benefits<br/>Benefits plan design and strategic alignment<br/>Summary<br/>Discussion questions<br/>Case study: Employee benefits – which perks work?<br/>Chapter 8 Recognising and rewarding individual performance<br/>Preview<br/>Merit increments<br/>Straight increments<br/>The merit grid approach<br/>The merits and demerits of merit increments<br/>Merit bonuses<br/>The effectiveness of merit pay<br/>Merit pay in the public sector<br/>Results-based individual incentives<br/>Standard piece rate<br/>‘Scientific’ piece rates<br/>Task-and-time bonus plan<br/>Sales commissions<br/>Goal-based individual bonuses<br/>Non-cash recognition<br/>Non-cash recognition: for and against<br/>Strategic alignment and individual reward and recognition<br/>Summary<br/>Discussion questions<br/>Case study: Developing a non-cash recognition system<br/>Chapter 9 Collective short-term incentive plans<br/>Preview<br/>Collective short-term incentives: rationale and options<br/>Profit-sharing<br/>Varieties of profit-sharing<br/>Profit-sharing and individual performance pay<br/>Pros, cons, impact<br/>Gainsharing<br/>Scanlon Gainshare Plan<br/>Rucker Plan<br/>Improshare Plan<br/>Weighing up single-factor gainsharing<br/>Multifactor gainsharing<br/>Evidence on the gains from gainsharing<br/>Gainsharing: design and implementation<br/>Goal-sharing<br/>Goal-sharing: for and against<br/>Team incentives<br/>Team structure: process, parallel and project teams<br/>Advantages and disadvantages of team incentives<br/>Designing and implementing team incentives<br/>Strategic alignment and collective incentives<br/>Summary<br/>Discussion questions<br/>Case study: Rethinking incentives in Australian retail banking – are collective incentives the ans<br/>Chapter 10 Employee share ownership<br/>Preview<br/>Overview of employee share ownership<br/>Rationale for employee share ownership<br/>Types of employee shares<br/>Share grants/gifts<br/>Share purchase plans<br/>Share option plans<br/>Evaluating employee share ownership<br/>For organisations<br/>For employees<br/>Employee share ownership and supportive HR policies<br/>Strategic alignment considerations with employee share plans/long-term incentives<br/>Summary<br/>Discussion questions<br/>Case study: Axis Bank<br/>Chapter 11 System review, change and development<br/>Preview<br/>Systems thinking and system purpose: a reprise<br/>A framework for system development and change<br/>Strategic alignment and psychological engagement revisited<br/>Articulating a performance and reward philosophy and strategy<br/>Philosophy statement<br/>Strategy statement<br/>Reviewing current practice<br/>Diagnostic data<br/>Prescriptive data<br/>Recommendations for improved performance management practice<br/>Performance management: system and process<br/>Performance criteria<br/>Performance feedback<br/>Recommendations for improved reward practice<br/>Total reward balance<br/>Pay variability<br/>Pay dispersion<br/>Pay level<br/>Pay transparency<br/>Pay mix<br/>Base pay<br/>Benefits<br/>Performance pay/incentives<br/>Implementing change<br/>Rehearsal<br/>Roll-out<br/>Change communication<br/>Summary<br/>Discussion questions<br/>Case study: Beyond the hard sell – rethinking performance and reward practices at Wealth Bank Corp<br/>Chapter 12 New horizons in performance and reward management<br/>Preview<br/>Introduction<br/>Industry 4.0<br/>What is Industry 4.0?<br/>Implications of Industry 4.0 for employees and human resource management<br/>The ‘gig economy’ and new organisational forms<br/>What is the gig economy?<br/>Carrots and sticks – performance management in the gig economy<br/>Benefits in the gig economy<br/>Supply chains and franchising<br/>Impact of generational change<br/>Baby boomers<br/>Gen X<br/>Gen Y (Millennials)<br/>Gen Z<br/>Managing intergenerational diversity<br/>Reality check wrap-up: final thoughts, future prospects and new research<br/>Strategic alignment<br/>Employee engagement<br/>Organisational justice<br/>Workforce diversity<br/>Summary<br/>Discussion questions<br/>Case study: Millennials, Gen Z and the future of performance and reward practice<br/>References<br/>Index<br/> |
700 ## - Added Entry Personal Name | |
Relator Code | auth. |
Added Entry Personal Name | Shields, John |
-- | Rooney, Jim |
-- | Brown, Michelle |
-- | Kaine, Sarah |
Koha item type | MBA - Masters on Business Administration |
Withdrawn status | Lost status | Source of classification or shelving scheme | Damaged status | Not for loan | Koha collection | Location (home branch) | Sublocation or collection (holding branch) | Shelving location | Date acquired | Source of acquisition | Cost, normal purchase price | Koha issues (times borrowed) | Koha full call number | Barcode (Accession No.) | Koha date last seen | Copy Number | Price effective from | Koha item type |
Dewey Decimal Classification | Not For Loan | Reference | St. Xavier's University, Kolkata | St. Xavier's University, Kolkata | Reference Section | 02/14/2022 | Bharat | 7694.20 | R 658.314 MAN.Ed3 | UM2258 | 02/25/2022 | 2258 | 02/25/2022 | MBA Referance |