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Managing employee performance and reward (Record no. 6306)

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005 - DATE & TIME
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fixed length control field 220225b |||||||| |||| 00| 0 eng d
020 ## - ISBN
International Standard Book Number 9781108701044
Price 7694
Original cataloging agency S.X.U.K
041 ## - Language
Language English
082 ## - DDC NUMBER
Classification number R 658.314 MAN.Ed3
Title Managing employee performance and reward
Sub Title : systems, practices and prospects
Statement of responsibility John Shields; Jim Rooney; Michelle Brown & Sarah Kaine
Edition statement 3rd ed.
Place of publication, distribution, etc New Delhi
Name of publisher, distributor, etc Cambridge university press
Date of publication, distribution, etc c2020
Pages xx, 535
Other Details P.B
General note Chapter 1 Performance and reward basics<br/>Preview<br/>Performance and reward management: promise and peril<br/>Performance management basics<br/>What is ‘performance’?<br/>Aims of performance management<br/>Basic requirements for effective performance management<br/>Reward management basics<br/>‘Reward’ and ‘total reward’<br/>Remuneration<br/>Aims of reward management<br/>‘Reality check’ themes<br/>Summary<br/>Discussion questions<br/>Case study: ‘Companies that got rid of performance ratings aren’t doing so well, sadly’<br/>Chapter 2 Strategic alignment and psychological engagement: A systems thinking framework for effecti<br/>Preview<br/>Strategic considerations: dimensions and alignment<br/>Dimensions of strategic alignment: external/vertical and internal/horizontal<br/>Achieving and maintaining external and internal strategic alignment<br/>Business strategy<br/>The employee value proposition<br/>Work design<br/>Managing strategic alignment and misalignment<br/>Psychological engagement: dimensions and determinants<br/>Work behaviour<br/>Intra-personal influences on behaviour<br/>Personality<br/>Motivation<br/>Organisational justice<br/>Organisational trust<br/>An integrated model of psychological engagement<br/>Summary<br/>Discussion questions<br/>Case study: Deloitte Insights, 2018 Global Human Capital Trends Report<br/>Chapter 3 Managing for results<br/>Preview<br/>What are ‘results’?<br/>Measuring results: KRAs, KPIs and goals<br/>Promise and perils of measuring results<br/>Using results-based techniques: goal-setting<br/>Promise and perils of goal-setting<br/>Using results-based techniques: the balanced scorecard<br/>The balanced scorecard ideal<br/>Promise and perils of balanced scorecards<br/>Summary<br/>Discussion questions<br/>Case study: Employee self-regulation of performance I – the influence of evolving technology on th<br/>Chapter 4 Performance appraisal and management<br/>Preview<br/>An overview of work performance assessment<br/>Behavioural assessment<br/>Competency assessment<br/>Sources of assessment information<br/>Behavioural information<br/>Competency information<br/>Common assessment methods in action<br/>Behavioural assessment methods<br/>Competency assessment methods<br/>Common flaws in performance assessment and the shaping of employee performance<br/>Behavioural assessment<br/>Competency assessment<br/>Assessing performance assessment<br/>Behavioural assessment and performance management<br/>Competence assessment and performance management<br/>Performance appraisal: strategic considerations<br/>Summary<br/>Discussion questions<br/>Case study: Employee self-regulation of performance II – the influence of evolving technology on t<br/>Chapter 5 Reviewing, discussing and developing employee performance<br/>Preview<br/>Managing underperformance<br/>Causes of underperformance<br/>From measurement to conversation<br/>Performance review meetings<br/>Review meeting preparation<br/>The reviewer<br/>The assessee<br/>The review meeting<br/>Timing<br/>Content of the meeting<br/>Review meeting styles<br/>‘Tell and sell’<br/>‘Tell and listen’<br/>‘Problem-solving’<br/>Negative feedback<br/>Managers and negative feedback<br/>Employees and negative feedback<br/>Managing underperformance<br/>Developing employees: employee coaching<br/>What is coaching?<br/>GROW model of coaching<br/>Outcomes of coaching<br/>Developing employees: mentoring<br/>What is mentoring?<br/>What is a mentor?<br/>Phases in mentoring<br/>Evaluating mentoring<br/>Performance review and development: strategic alignment considerations<br/>Summary<br/>Discussion questions<br/>Case study: Managing underperformance<br/>Chapter 6 Base pay<br/>Preview<br/>What is ‘base pay’?<br/>Pay for the position versus pay for personal capabilities<br/>Position-based structures<br/>Pay scales<br/>Pay grades<br/>Pricing positions<br/>Market survey methods<br/>Job evaluation methods<br/>Developing a graded base pay structure<br/>Pros and cons of position-based base pay<br/>Person-based base pay structures<br/>Pay bands<br/>Valuing personal capabilities<br/>Pricing skills<br/>Pricing competencies<br/>Developing a banded base pay system<br/>Skill blocks and bands<br/>Competency zones and bands<br/>Pros and cons of person-based pay<br/>Strategic alignment with base pay<br/>Summary<br/>Discussion questions<br/>Case study: Rethinking base pay at Commercial Law Partners<br/>Chapter 7 Employee benefits<br/>Preview<br/>Benefit plans: general contours<br/>Definition and types<br/>Purpose<br/>Drivers<br/>Challenges<br/>Superannuation plans and severance pay<br/>Defined benefit plans<br/>Defined contribution plans<br/>Hybrid plans<br/>Severance pay<br/>Health care and other forms of personal insurance<br/>Health care insurance<br/>Workers compensation, disability and life insurance<br/>Leave and carer benefits<br/>Payment for time not worked<br/>Paid parental leave<br/>Childcare and elder care<br/>Other voluntary benefits<br/>Voluntary financial benefits<br/>Voluntary non-financial benefits<br/>Flexible work-time and work–life balance programs<br/>Wellness and well-being programs<br/>Employee assistance programs<br/>Fixed plans versus flexible plans<br/>Fixed benefits<br/>Flexible benefits<br/>Benefits plan design and strategic alignment<br/>Summary<br/>Discussion questions<br/>Case study: Employee benefits – which perks work?<br/>Chapter 8 Recognising and rewarding individual performance<br/>Preview<br/>Merit increments<br/>Straight increments<br/>The merit grid approach<br/>The merits and demerits of merit increments<br/>Merit bonuses<br/>The effectiveness of merit pay<br/>Merit pay in the public sector<br/>Results-based individual incentives<br/>Standard piece rate<br/>‘Scientific’ piece rates<br/>Task-and-time bonus plan<br/>Sales commissions<br/>Goal-based individual bonuses<br/>Non-cash recognition<br/>Non-cash recognition: for and against<br/>Strategic alignment and individual reward and recognition<br/>Summary<br/>Discussion questions<br/>Case study: Developing a non-cash recognition system<br/>Chapter 9 Collective short-term incentive plans<br/>Preview<br/>Collective short-term incentives: rationale and options<br/>Profit-sharing<br/>Varieties of profit-sharing<br/>Profit-sharing and individual performance pay<br/>Pros, cons, impact<br/>Gainsharing<br/>Scanlon Gainshare Plan<br/>Rucker Plan<br/>Improshare Plan<br/>Weighing up single-factor gainsharing<br/>Multifactor gainsharing<br/>Evidence on the gains from gainsharing<br/>Gainsharing: design and implementation<br/>Goal-sharing<br/>Goal-sharing: for and against<br/>Team incentives<br/>Team structure: process, parallel and project teams<br/>Advantages and disadvantages of team incentives<br/>Designing and implementing team incentives<br/>Strategic alignment and collective incentives<br/>Summary<br/>Discussion questions<br/>Case study: Rethinking incentives in Australian retail banking – are collective incentives the ans<br/>Chapter 10 Employee share ownership<br/>Preview<br/>Overview of employee share ownership<br/>Rationale for employee share ownership<br/>Types of employee shares<br/>Share grants/gifts<br/>Share purchase plans<br/>Share option plans<br/>Evaluating employee share ownership<br/>For organisations<br/>For employees<br/>Employee share ownership and supportive HR policies<br/>Strategic alignment considerations with employee share plans/long-term incentives<br/>Summary<br/>Discussion questions<br/>Case study: Axis Bank<br/>Chapter 11 System review, change and development<br/>Preview<br/>Systems thinking and system purpose: a reprise<br/>A framework for system development and change<br/>Strategic alignment and psychological engagement revisited<br/>Articulating a performance and reward philosophy and strategy<br/>Philosophy statement<br/>Strategy statement<br/>Reviewing current practice<br/>Diagnostic data<br/>Prescriptive data<br/>Recommendations for improved performance management practice<br/>Performance management: system and process<br/>Performance criteria<br/>Performance feedback<br/>Recommendations for improved reward practice<br/>Total reward balance<br/>Pay variability<br/>Pay dispersion<br/>Pay level<br/>Pay transparency<br/>Pay mix<br/>Base pay<br/>Benefits<br/>Performance pay/incentives<br/>Implementing change<br/>Rehearsal<br/>Roll-out<br/>Change communication<br/>Summary<br/>Discussion questions<br/>Case study: Beyond the hard sell – rethinking performance and reward practices at Wealth Bank Corp<br/>Chapter 12 New horizons in performance and reward management<br/>Preview<br/>Introduction<br/>Industry 4.0<br/>What is Industry 4.0?<br/>Implications of Industry 4.0 for employees and human resource management<br/>The ‘gig economy’ and new organisational forms<br/>What is the gig economy?<br/>Carrots and sticks – performance management in the gig economy<br/>Benefits in the gig economy<br/>Supply chains and franchising<br/>Impact of generational change<br/>Baby boomers<br/>Gen X<br/>Gen Y (Millennials)<br/>Gen Z<br/>Managing intergenerational diversity<br/>Reality check wrap-up: final thoughts, future prospects and new research<br/>Strategic alignment<br/>Employee engagement<br/>Organisational justice<br/>Workforce diversity<br/>Summary<br/>Discussion questions<br/>Case study: Millennials, Gen Z and the future of performance and reward practice<br/>References<br/>Index<br/>
700 ## - Added Entry Personal Name
Relator Code auth.
Added Entry Personal Name Shields, John
-- Rooney, Jim
-- Brown, Michelle
-- Kaine, Sarah
Koha item type MBA - Masters on Business Administration
Withdrawn status Lost status Source of classification or shelving scheme Damaged status Not for loan Koha collection Location (home branch) Sublocation or collection (holding branch) Shelving location Date acquired Source of acquisition Cost, normal purchase price Koha issues (times borrowed) Koha full call number Barcode (Accession No.) Koha date last seen Copy Number Price effective from Koha item type
    Dewey Decimal Classification   Not For Loan Reference St. Xavier's University, Kolkata St. Xavier's University, Kolkata Reference Section 02/14/2022 Bharat 7694.20   R 658.314 MAN.Ed3 UM2258 02/25/2022 2258 02/25/2022 MBA Referance
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