Introduction to will drafting --
Basic elements of a will and mutual wills --
The legal personal representative --
Spouses', civil partners', cohabitants' and children's rights: will drafting --
Instructions, attendance and execution --
Introduction to trusts and their legal context --
The creation and use of trusts in wills and their administration --
Introduction to administration of estates --
Introduction to probate practice --
Extracting a grant of administration with will annexed --
Extracting a grant of administration intestate --
Second and subsequent grants (de bonis non grants) --
Non-contentious applications (either to the probate officer or to the court) --
Initial steps after the grant has issued --
Spouses', civil partners', cohabitants' and children's rights: personal representatives' duties --
Benefits and beneficiaries --
Obligations, duties and claims on the estate --
Distributing the estate and vesting of property --
Finalising matters.
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