Neurodiversity in the workplace : interests, issues, and opportunities edited by Susanne M. Bruyère and Adrienne Colella. - New York Routledge c2022 - 336p. P.B. - Siop organizational frontiers series .

1. Introduction

Susanne Bruyère & Adrienne Colella

2. Shaping Organizational Climates to Develop and Leverage Workforce Neurodiversity

Sabrina D. Volpone, Derek R. Avery, & Julie H. Wayne

3. Recruitment Strategies: Generating a Neurodiverse Workforce

Cristina M. Giannantonio & Amy E. Hurley-Hanson

4. Neurodiverse Applicant Screening, Interviewing, and Selection

Matthew C. Saleh, Hsiao-Ying Chang, & Susanne M. Bruyère and Timothy J. Vogus

5. Neurodiversity and the Disclosure Dilemma

Alecia M. Santuzzi & Robert T. Keating

6. Do Traditional Leadership Theories Work in a Neurodiverse Context

Stephanie R. Seitz

7. The Role of Colleagues in Work Experiences of Employees with Autism

Nathalie H. Longmire & Julie L. Taylor

8. Workplace Accommodation Considerations for a Neurodiverse Workforce

Eric Patton

9. Performance Management and Career Development for Employees with Autism: Uncovering Hidden Requirements

Sam T. Hunter & Melissa D. Hunter

10. Supporting the Mental Health and Well-being of Autistic and Other Neurodiverse Employees in the Work Environment

Simon M. Bury, Jennifer R. Spoor, Susan M. Hayward, & Darren Hedley

11. Adapting Other Internal Organizational Resources to a Neurodiverse Workforce

Nancy Doyle

12. Autism Hiring Programs and Interface with the Legal and Regulatory Environment

Mathew C. Saleh & Michel Bernick

13. Implications and Needed Next Steps

Adrienne Colella & Susanne Bruyère

9781000604290 9781003023616 4966.90


Diversity in the workplace.

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