Singh, Avtar

Introduction to the law of torts and consumer protection by Avtar Singh and Harpreet Kaur - 3rd. - Gurgaon LexisNexis 2013 - xlvi, 363p.

Table of contents:

PART I: Law of torts

1. Nature and scope of law of torts
2. Personal capacity
3. Foreign torts
4. Justification of torts
5. Death in relation to torts
6. Discharge of torts
7. Liability for wrongs committed by others- Vicarious liability
8. Remedies
9. Classification of torts
10. Trespass to person
11. Defamation
12. Malicious proceedings
13. Wrongs relating to domestic and other miscellaneous rights
14. Torts to realty or immovable property
15. torts to personality or movable property
16. Torts affecting movable as well as immovable property
17. torts to incorporeal personal property
18. Negligence and allied torts
19. Nuisance
20. Fraud and negligent misstatement

PART II : Consumer protection

1. General
2. Consumer protection councils
3. Consumer disputes redressal agencies
4. Miscellaneous

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