Lipsey, Richard G

Economics by Richard G Lipsey and Chaystal - UK Oxford 2015 - xv, 612 p.

Table of contents:


1. What is Economics about?

Part I: Consumer markets

2. Demand and supply
3. Consumer choice: indifference theory

Part 2: Decision making by firms

4. The cost structure of firms
5. Perfect competition
6. Monopoly
7. Imperfect competition

Part 3: Input markets and the role of governments

8. Demand and supply of inputs
9. The labour market
10. Capital, investments, and new technology
11. Successes and failures of markets
12. The role of government


Part 4: Macroeconomics: issues and framework

13. Issues for the aggregate economy
14. A basic model of the determination of GDP in the short term
15. GDP in an open economy with government
16. Money and monetary institutions
17. The money market
18. GDP in monetary economy with a constant price level
19. GDP in monetary economy with a variable price level
20. GDP with credible inflation targeting

Part 5: Macroeconomics of the global economy

21. Business cycle, employment, and inflation
22. Currency values and external payments
23. Economic growth and sustainability
24. International trade
25. Economics of developing coutries

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