Shukla, M C

Advanced accounts by M C Shukla, S C Gupta & T S Grewal - 19th ed. - New Delhi S. Chand 2018 - 2230 p.

Table of contents:

1. Fundamental Principles of Accounting
2. Final Accounts
3. Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes
4. Consignments, Joint Ventures, Account Current, Average due Date, etc.
5. Self-Balancing Ledgers
6. Depreciation, Reserves and Provisions
7. Receipts and Payments Account, Income and Expenditure Account and Balance Sheet
8. Single Entry or Accounts from Incomplete Records
9. Partnership Accounts (I)
10. Partnership Accounts (II) (Dissolution)
11. Branch and Departmental Accounts
12. Hire Purchase, Instalments and Lease
13. Insurance Claims
14. Insolvency Accounts
15. Royalties
16. Contract Accounts
17. Miscellaneous
18. Introduction—Shares, Debentures, etc.
19. Final Accounts
20. Valuation of Intangible Assets, Goodwill and Shares; Reorganisation and Reconstruction of Share Capital
21. Business Combination and External Reconstruction
22. Holding Companies
23. Statement of Cash Flows, Funds Flow Statement, Cash Budget and Working Capital
24. Accounting Ratios
25. Insurance Companies
26. Bank
27. Liquidation
28. Computerised Accounting System
29. Inflation Accounting
30. Accounting for Human Resources of an Organisation and Social Responsibility

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