The Poltical economy of hunger / : famine prevention edited by Jean Dreze, Amartya Sen - New Delhi Oxford c2020 - 400p PB.

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Edited by Jean Drèze and Amartya Sen


The World Institute for Development Economics Research, established in 1984, started work in Helsinki in 1985, with the financial support of the Government of Finland. The principal purpose of the Institute is to help identify and meet the need for policy-oriented socio-economic research on pressing global and development problems and their inter-relationships. WIDER's research projects are grouped into three main themes: hunger and poverty; money, finance, and trade; and development and technological transformation.

Volume II deals with famine prevention, paying particular attention to sub-Saharan Africa. The topics covered include: the problems of early warning and early action; the politics of famine prevention; the influence of market responses; the role of cash support and employment provision in protecting threatened food entitlements; and long-term issues of reduction of famine vulnerability.

In addition to general analyses, the book contains a number of case studies of failures and successes in famine prevention, both in South Asia and in sub-Saharan Africa.

About the Editor

Jean Drèze, Delhi School of Economics

Amartya Sen, Master of Trinity College, Cambridge

9780198865766 695.00


R 363.8 / POL.V.2